FaunaTrack specialise in Australia-wide, terrestrial vertebrate fauna survey and assessment designed principally for baseline fauna inventory, wildlife monitoring and biodiversity conservation. Services are targeted at a wide range of organisations, including government and non-government conservation organisations, the mining sector, indigenous corporations and regional conservation management bodies.
Incorporating the latest techniques and technologies and maintaining the highest industry standards, FaunaTrack provide a wide variety of fauna survey and monitoring programs. These can be tailored to suit most needs and budgets and range from a small fauna assessment through to detailed, long term monitoring programs.
Key services and programs include:
Terrestrial fauna survey, design & implementation;
Fauna identification services;
Trapping & detection programs;
Monitoring programs (both native and introduced species);
Environmental Impact Assessment;
Targeted surveys for conservation significant and poorly known fauna;
Secondary evidence sampling (i.e. tracks, scats & burrow identification);
Venomous snake management;
Short Range Endemic (SRE) invertebrate surveys & collection;
Survey reporting and documentation; and
Fauna monitoring and management plans.
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