The Super Hero Team of Benny Coles A.K.A "Iron Jay", female wrestling sensation Mighty Mel and the Mysterious and unpredictable Masked Lucha Brothers have teamed up against arch rivals the menacing Roads and Authority Officer Traffic, his partner in crime, Princess poison and their secret weapon the 7ft 180kg Giant Massive Q and created a unique new party idea!
With already having been a huge success in the Illawarra the Super Hero Wrestling Team are here to make your next birthday a guaranteed smash hit!!! Offering a wide range of colourful Super Hero Superstars and even some Nasty Villain Wrestlers who like to try and ruin the fun... yet always fall short
The Super Hero Wrestling Team provide all of the live entertainment, with educational performances, interactive fitness shows, music, and even provide all of the equipment and games, spoiling all the kiddies with merchandise prize giveaways at the end of each party, and even a special gift for the Birthday Boy or Girl.
Offering a wide range of packages from a small group of children to the more larger parties and the best thing of all is ANY age can have one! Having done parties for local preschools, public schools all the way up to entertaining the older boys making guest appearances for Birthdays and even work Christmas parties.
The Super Hero Wrestling Party Team share their enthusiasm for fitness and health with these Super Hero Wrestling Parties and will have a great tonne of fun with all the necessities of any great party - cake smashes, tug of war contests - the works!
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