Miche Bag is the most unique handbag in the world. Now you don't have empty your bag to accessorize your outfit - simply change your cover.
To view the full collection, book a preview or a personal viewing and check out the most unique Handbag.
We offer fantastic rewards to hostesses who book a party, 10% of party sales, free shell plus $39.95 booking voucher for any referral or on booking. Plus you will receive a free dust cover bag to protect your shells.
At Creata Direct you can have it all, freedom, hassle free business, be your own boss. You can work as little as your want or simply experience unlimited income.
Benefits at Creata Direct:
* no finance
* no orders to pack or deliver
* no stock to hold
* easy online ordering
* no financial outlay for coordinator benefits or customer specials
* hostess gifts delivered by the company
* international conferences and other travel opportunities
* no experience necessary, training provided
* earn great income with no hidden costs
Contact me to find out more
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