Impreglon Australia is YOUR ONE STOP COATING SHOP!
We do it all:-
ANODSING - NORMAL AND HARD - Colours available - Black, Bronze, RED, Green, Blue and many others on request.
CDP - Cathodic Dip Paiting (E-Coat) - Satin Black and Clear UV Stabilised - other colours subjetc to volumes.
ABRASIVE BLASTING - Spindle Shot Blasting, Sand Blasting and Rumbling to remove burrs and sharp edges prior to coating.
SILK ETCH - Slurry Peening using Glass and Water media to remove pressing lines and scratches from Stainless Steel and Aluminium surface.
ZINC PLATING - Using conventional Electoplating and the new improved and environmentally friendlier ZINC FLAKE process.
We can combine coatings to give extra corrosion and abrasion resistance for example Zinc Flake underneath UV stabilised Powder Coating, or Normal Anodised Aluminium powder coated for additonal protection in Clear or the colour of your choice.
We pickup and deliver to make the whole process seemless for you. With ISO9001 certification QUALITY is guaranteed.
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