A Hydrobath is not only a warm and relaxed way for your pet to be bathed, but it can also be very therapeutic.
Our Mobile Hydrobath comes to your door so that you can sit back and relax as your pet receives the ultimate care. Not only will your pet receive a good wash and be free of fleas but at the same time he / she is endulged with a full body massage as jets of water gently massage the skin.
At Puss 'n' Woof WE GUARANTEE FRESH WATER FOR EVERY BATH, thus reducing the risk of cross infection.
Our Hydrobath unit is fully self contained with it's own power source and fresh warm water. There is a drop down ramp for entry into the bath which is far less intimidating and makes life so much easier for elderly woofas who may suffer from arthritis.
With 14 cats of our own we know just how to make them feel relaxed at bath time. For the odd occasion when a cat is very nervous we do have a safety cage to bath them in.
Our products are pyrethrin based and are deadly on fleas and paralysis ticks but safe enough to use on puppies and kittens from just one week old! All our products are environmentally friendly.
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