Personal Training, Sports Specific Training, Strength Training, Fitness Training, Weight Loss, Toning.Scott and I have been mates ever since our schooling days. He was always an exceptional, naturally gifted athlete and was renowned as one of our school's best sprinters. Unfortunately for Scott in the later years of high school he became quite ill... In order for him to get better he was advised by his doctor to change up his diet and start a regular fitness reseme.Scott first came to me requesting a training program that will help him get back to his regular weight and to help him gain strength again. He worked very hard on his technique and his diet in the early stages of his training. This along with alot of hard work gave him a very strong base to build upon. During this process Scotty developed a great passion for his strength training. Scotty has exceeded all expections with his health along with his training! Just recently he did Back Squats 220kg x2 reps at 89kg bodyweight!
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