Melbourne's exclusive GROUP TRAINING STUDIO, focusing on small group training delivering FUN FAST EFFECTIVE, FAT BURNING & BODY TONING group sessions.
We like training in small groups because it's more FUN and more motivating than training alone, so you'll get better results and stick at it.
- You will have close contact with a personal trainer throughout the whole class. It's just like personal training, but only for a fraction of the cost!
- Our free style classes are based on CrossFit methodology utilising bodyweight, free weights and cardio to give you a high intensity workout from head to toe.
- Classes vary from week to week, so that your body never gets comfortable with the exercises. This is how we can maximise your results from every workout and avoid plateaus.
- Classes are designed to get you maximum results and to get you Fitter, Leaner and Stronger, faster than traditional gym workouts.
-Your workout experience doesn't end when the session does. I will always be available by phone or email in between sessions if you have any questions.
So if you're bored with doing the same old workouts or you are looking for something fresh to start exercising again, this is your answer!
If you would like to come along for a trial session to find out whether small group training is for you please visit our website or call us to receive your FREE session pass.
Contact Joyce: 0407 055 231
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