Christopher Hanna boasts some of Sydneys most knowledgeable and experienced hair stylists who have the expertise to transform your hair into the red carpet glamour you see in the magazines!
Delivering excellent customer service every time, the elegant and vibrant salons underpin the heart of the Christopher Hanna Hair philosophy and experience - creativity, quality, consistency and an emphasis on YOU!
Easily accessible and conveniently situated in the bustling Pitt Street Mall, the team at Christopher Hanna know that you are unique. They will take the time to understand you and tailor a hairstyle to bring out your individual personality, in line with your lifestyle needs.
With cutting edge technology, the team specialises in hair extensions using only the finest 100% human hair that blends with the natural hair flawlessly, ensuring the most authentic match and transformation.
Also experts in hair straightening, they are one of the only licensed instructors of a revolutionary straightening treatment. This treatment has a permanent effect and calls for hardly any blow-drying which dramatically cuts down on styling time and says goodbye to those bad hair days!
Celebrities and designers, such as Nicole Kidman, Charlie Brown, Kate Hurst, Romance was Born, Ginger&Smart, Wish and Seduce, have all indulged in the expertise and style that is Christopher Hanna Hair. And since the first salon opened in 2005, things just keep getting better!
Christopher Hanna Hair continues to drive forward and be at the forefront of hairdressing fashion and trends, ensuring you will always look your best. So come in and be indulged today for a truly memorable experience!
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