At bodyconstructions, we are here to motivate, inspire and educate you on the principles of a healthier and more active lifestyle. Don't hesitate, start your journey now.
If you are a proÂfesÂsional athÂlete, a CEO or just someÂone who wants to simÂply enhance there genÂeral well being, bodyÂconÂstrucÂtions PerÂsonal TrainÂing caters for everyÂone. Even myself as a trainer have a perÂsonal trainer!
The perÂsonÂalised sesÂsions will ultiÂmately help you to:
Lose Weight
Improve CarÂdioÂvasÂcuÂlar Fitness
Increase Energy
AccuÂmuÂlaÂtion Of Lean MusÂcle Tissue
Relief Of Stress
Increase Self-Esteem
Why you need a bodyÂconÂstrucÂtions PerÂsonal Trainer
Group Sessions
ConÂstruct the body you want, but don't do it alone. Do it with your friends, famÂily memÂbers or co-workers.
30min, 45min and 1 hour sesÂsions are availÂable. SesÂsions start from $20 per person
BodyÂconÂstrucÂtions offers group perÂsonal trainÂing for up to 6 peoÂple. It's a fun and cost effecÂtive way to achieve you perÂsonal fitÂness goals. Increase your motiÂvaÂtion with some direct competition.
Check out a timetable and book yourself into a class form $11 per session.
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