Magneticmates are a simple and stylish way to display your photos, from just a few to all of your favourites, and the 6 pockets allow you to change your pictures regularly so that you have a daily reminder of all your memory filled moments.
Use your photos to brighten up your living space at home and work - with Magneticmates it?s really easy - put your photos up on your fridge, a filing cabinet or any other metallic surface. Magneticmates adds colour, warmth & personality to your fridge or cabinet. Magneticmates is also useful to store reminder notes, school circulars, shopping lists, emergency contact details, birthday invitations, or to display achievement certificates and medals.
They are the perfect gift for all ages! For new parents who want to document those early years from baby to toddler to little person; for young teens who want to document a special event such as a sports event or the lead up to a school formal; for grandparents who want to display their brag book; or a way to remember a special milestone, achievement or event such as a 21st birthday party, a trip overseas, winning the grand final football game the list is endless!
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