Steiner Playgroups are designed to nurture both the children and the parents. Steiner Playgroup Leaders facilitate, educate, support and inspire parents to increase their awareness of primary care and child development. A strong yet flexible rhythm holds the young children in a space of security - this helps a lot with getting young children to participate in the activities. It is a breathing in and breathing out process that guides the children. The singing replaces loud instructions and demands on what the children have to do next. Sometimes as part of the winter term parents will bring home cooked baking or soup to share on the cold days. If a group is interested in craft then craft nights are organised to make simple woollen or felt toys for the playgroup or to take home. This is a wonderful way to bond with other mothers and improves the dynamics within the group. Please call now to join our Steiner Playgroup and learn about this unique and progressive education.
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