Receive lashings of country hospitality in the birthplace of Lieutenant General Sir Henry Chauvel of the famous Light Horse Brigade, one of Tabulam's claims to fame, at the Tabulam Hotel. Designated as a town in 1885, Tabulam is the only other 'town' on the Clarence River besides the city of Grafton. The scenic country side west of the Range is extremely significant to both Indigenous and European cultures.Tabulam Hotel is a great base camp from which to launch an expedition of discovery into some of the most interesting secrets this country offers. Cross the longest single span wooden bridge in the Southern Hemisphere, journey past the World War II Tanks Traps, part of the infamous 'Brisbane Line', through pockets of rainforest and onto some of the most scenic country around.Tabulam is a quaint village of 150 people located in a rather beautiful setting on the Bruxner Highway between Tenterfield (73 kilometres) and Casino (58 kilometres). 830 kilometres north-east of Sydney, it is situated on the Clarence River.
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