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What we do
Dont Get Ripped off!
Confused about Solar Power?
Well frankly you are not alone. Out there in the marketplace with so many offers all stating they are the best, Inverters, Panels and companies.
We have local installers and companies waiting to come and chat to you over a cup of tea.
The amount of information to absorb about inverters, micro-inverters NEW AC panels, Monocrystaline versus POLY and the others, is simply daunting
Not to mention feed in tariffs and Government rebates,
YES, generous rebates are still available.
Many companies and others make things seem so complex, but some use this tactic to confuse , others because they dont understand Solar themselves!
We will ensure over a cup of tea at the property you are installing solar at, you are left fully informed on the how's and why's of Solar,then you can make a simple informed decision whether Solar is right for you and your property.
Why not get some friends around today !
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