An insurance broker can save you time, money and worry. Just like an accountant or lawyer who provides you with professional advice, based on years of training and experience, as a qualified broker I can do the same with your insurance.
When arranging insurance, many people take shortcuts without seeking proper advice, understanding the fine print or considering whether they are getting value for money. Often they are disappointed when their insurance doesn't come to the rescue.
Whether it's home, car, life or business insurance, brokers provide advice and assistance to make sure you are properly protected.
Using a broker doesn't necessarily cost more. Often it costs less because brokers have knowledge of the insurance market and the ability to negotiate competitive premiums on your behalf. A broker will also explain your policy and any special situations you need to watch out for. Furthermore, a broker is obliged to advise you of fees charged for services provided to you.
An insurance broker's foremost duty is to his or her client. An insurance broker works for you.
Call for a free, no obligation consulation and because I am local, after hours appointments can be arranged at a time that suits you.
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