Selecting the right financial adviser can be as vitally important a decision as the underlying strategies or investments you employ. You may not have taken the time to consider how important this decision can be. The strength of the relationship between you and your adviser can greatly impact on the overall performance of your portfolio and ultimately achieving your life goals and aspirations.
Active Financial Services was established with this important fundamental principle in mind. We believe building strong relationships with our clients allows our Advisers to develop an enhanced understanding of our clients circumstances which ultimately provides the foundation for providing quality financial advice.
Active Financial Services (Active FS) is a 100% privately owned and operated Western Australian Company. All of our advisers are highly qualified, experienced and respected within the financial services industry and share over 25 years experience in direct property, shares, managed funds, gearing and Self Managed Super Funds (SMSF).
Our aim is to help clients take control of their future. We achieve this by providing well-researched and dynamic strategic advice, as well as actively, rather than passively managing their key assets.
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