Walgett District News.com is an independently owned an operated online news site with a local focus. Servicing North West N.S.W with its heart in Walgett Shire and the towns and villages of:
Walgett Lightning Ridge Collarenebri Burren Junction Carinda Cumborah Rowena
Grawin Glengarry Sheepyards Come By Chance Cryon Rowena
As locals born and raised the owners of Walgett District News.com.au are committed to seeing our community prosper; to support local development and promote opportunities that will see our region grow.
Walgett District News.com is exciting and fresh and intends to provide the community with high quality, current news stories of local and regional importance. We hope to reflect the opinions, aspirations, concerns and personalities of our readers, from people working on the land to those developing alternative businesses and industries from farming or mining, tourism and retail.
Our editorial focus is to cover issues that matter to people living in the district as well as getting locals involved to write articles on topics of interest:
Agriculture, Current affairs, News, Sport, Local history, Lifestyle -Travel, Events and much much more.
Walgett District News.com believes the region has a bright future and intends to be an integral voice for it.
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