A successful property investment strategy is far more than finding the house you like, sourcing the cheapest loan and paying it off over 25-30 years!
At inSynergy, we believe that the key to successful property investment is to apply sound investment principles to well-informed industry advice, education, market research and planning.
Following these principles will ensure you make best use of your borrowing capacity and savings invested, and provides a better chance of selecting quality investment properties in areas showing strong potential for capital growth and rental yield.
Did you know that owning two near new properties with interest only repayments can cost the same after tax benefits as one property at principle and interest? inSynergy offers a broad-range of professional services designed to help you understand this, and all other aspects of property investment.
Our consultants are fully accredited and trained multiple property specialists, who are successful property investors themselves. They will help you develop a sound property investment strategy and show you the most effective, tax-efficient finance structure for your individual situation, tailoring it to your cash-flow requirements and helping you maximise returns.
Why not contact us now and let us show you how we can make a positive difference to your property investment goals.
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