Bucketts Way Neighbourhood Group Incorporated is a not-for-profit, incorporated community organisation formed in 1989 to provide a variety of community services to people in the locality of Gloucester Local Government area and the area known as the Bucketts Way Strip.This area spans from Limeburners Creek in the south to Krambach in the east and includes the communities of Gloucester, Barrington, Stratford, Craven, Wards River, Stroud Road, Stroud, Booral, and Allworth.
Bucketts Way NeighbourhoodGroup Inc. (BWNG) is an organisation governed by a volunteer Management Board voted in at the AGM by the members of the organisation. It receives funding for its projects from the Ageing, Disability & Home Care, Community Services and the Australian Government for various projects and acknowledges their contribution for the services and programs BWNG provides.
The Neighbourhood Centre, aged care, disability services, training, transport and all operational aspects of the organisation operates within the Bucketts Way Neighbourhood Group, in a building owned by BWNG from 88 King Street, Gloucester, NSW, to provide a range of community services.
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