Hi my name is Jacqui... I naturally read from your Aura, and receive messasge from those whom have passed over... I also use Angel Cards receiving messages from your Archangels for relationships & life in general.
Drawings/Readings - Aura is a Human energy field that exists all around us. To experience an Aura Reading is to release any unwanted energy allowing new and clear energy to flow within ourselves. It is a true vibration of love and light within our souls. These are beautiful and life changing energetically experiences that bring joy and peace to our body and mind. I have an unique ability to feel energies and see things most people cannot see, whether it be a situation, a feeling, a scene in my mind playing out, or whatever the case may be, I use my psychic and clairvoyant ability...
Angel cards and guidance - Making a deep and personal connection with any archangel can be so empowering and prove to be a truly enlightening experience.
All my readings include an Aura Drawing... If you would like to come and experience an Inner Soul Reading & Drawing...
$50 - half hour
$75 - one hour
To make a booking Please contact Jacqui...
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