Hello there, I am Marguerite Picard, accredited specialist family lawyer. I am a Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator based in the Hawthorn-Camberwell area.
I specialise in helping people thinking about separation, and in helping couples who have decided to separate or divorce to do so as amicably as possible, without going to court.
My service will support you through all of a family separation and divorce process covering: parenting plans and agreements, child support and child custody issues, property settlement, financial agreements and spousal mediation.
Our practice is Australia's first Collaborative Law firm. If you have decided to separate, we specialise in collaborative practice which will help you to reach agreements by negotiation without going to court. What matters to you is what matters to us. We place great importance on our relationship with you. We know that working closely with you is the best way for you to tell us what matters so we can support you to voice your concerns and needs.
Our group work with families not just in the legal field as collaborative lawyers but assess psychologists,counsellors, financial planners and child specialists. We recognise that separation and divorce affects all your family.
If you have decided to separate, I understand that separating and getting a divorce is stressful and full of challenges that you may never have envisaged yourself facing. With the right kind of support, it is possible to reach an amicable settlement with your partner.
Our team of specialists will assist you in:
Learning how to talk to your partner about your separation
Understand what your partner is thinking and how your partner will respond
Learn how to tell your children, friends and family
Understand your fears about the future
Think about life as a single person
Understand your financial situation
Learn how to deal with your emotions in the separation process.
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