We are distinguished by providing a highly personalised, highly professional and impassioned corporate travel service. Hire car booking service provider - Helicopter Pilot Contractor & Aviation Consultant.
Executive VIP provides a invaluable transport service to the Newcastle & Hunter Valley Region. We offer car transport for general, professional and special occasions.
Meetings & important business opportunities that require a service of absolute reliability, provided by an experienced, prompt & professional Chauffeur. Located in Newcastle NSW Australia, Exec VIP provides a Hire Car Service travelling in comfort, safety and privacy, essential to corporate executives, International travelers, as well as government and entertainment figures. An added option to travel aboard chartered (or privately owned) aircraft and have what it takes to get to important business locations far from major airports at short notice. We have international CABCHARGE!
AVIATION CONSULTANCY: Vast experience in Aviation & Public Transport, 15 to 30 years as active helicopter pilots & 10 years as professional drivers. Consultancy services include: Assisting clients with private aircraft ownership, Flying Operations Manual development
Initial Air Operator Certificate (AOC) application support,
Redefine / issues / challenges & opportunities, Recommend aviation services, Facilitate client learning,
Improve organisational effectiveness & Representation.
Whether you are a retired executive, business owner, entrepreneur, or any other type of Aircraft user, the issues involved in owning and operating a aircraft is complex. How often you'll use a private aircraft & how, is an important consideration. Exec VIP has vast experience in assisting individuals and companies arrange aircraft ownership, management & piloting services.
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