If we try to search the term SWMS on the internet, it will only show us a lot of articles discussing all about the safe work method statements--what they are, why many businesses need them, how they should be written, etc.. You can also find templates as well as guides in writing an efficient method statement. But is that everything we should know about it?
We're all aware that SWMS is a document which helps safeguard workers while performing dangerous tasks especially in construction. But that's not the only thing that we should know. We need to dig deeper to fully determine what it really is. Because in the end, it is not only about protecting the employees in performing their duties. It is also about understanding the risks and hazards that are associated in their work and how these hazards are to be prevented by providing a document that will guarantee them a safe working environment.
Safety in the workplace especially in construction sites don't simply happen. It needs planning as well as an efficient supervision. These two are essential in doing any construction activity and they are part of the legal responsibilities of a company. If workers are performing high-risk construction activities, the company should consider the risks from the work and how they are going to be controlled to check on their occupational health and safety. These information should be written in a document referred to as SWMS, or safe work method statement.
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