I am a Cosmetic Tattooist specialising in the latest feather stroke eyebrow technique, working out of Melbourne's best tattoo studio, DC TATTOO. Offering very competitive pricing on various procedures in a professional and relaxed studio, we deliver the very best in quality.
If cosmetic tattoo is something that you have been considering but are unsure, please feel free to come in and obtain an info pack specifically designed to answer all of your questions. I am more than happy to take the time to explain how procedures are performed, what procedure will suit your requirements and expectations best all at no cost to you. Having the correct information will allow you to make an informed decision about cosmetic tattoo.
Cosmetic tattoo is not just permanent makeup. Cosmetic tattoo can assist in the camouflage of scars too, depending on type of scarring to be camouflaged.
Please feel free to come and speak with Simone Williamson and to get your information pack.
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