Featuring Businesses, Restaurants, Local
Government, Whats On Information,
Police updates, Service Clubs information,
Entertainment plus features on lifestyle
opportunities and issues of concern to
Your Liverpool engages with the whole of
Liverpool and presents a platform in print
and on the web, from which its citizens and
business can connect and really get their
message out there, into the public domain.
Over 20,000 copies are distributed free
targeting the disposable and investment
incomes of residents, business and visitors to
Liverpool and surrounding area.
Visit Website
Dine in style
with the restaurant guide
Investment in affordable housing
Liverpool lifestyle
What to do What to see Where to go
Local Lifestyle Magazines really do work, because everyone
wants to know what is going on in their local area.
Over 90% of Local Lifestyle Publications are kept in their homes right up until the next
issue is published. Thats an active lifespan of 3 months for any advertiser.
On average more than four people read each copy, which gives your advertisement a
readership of approximately 80,000 per issue.
Over 90% of people reading publications such as Your Liverpool regard
advertisments in this media more highly than other local media.
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