The Cannon Hill Meditation Centre offers both group and private classes with courses ranging from Chi Kung Beginners to Advanced, Hermetics, Emotion/Stress management techniques, Personal Development, Psychic Development, Healing Courses and many more. Learn to still your mind, release your emotions and enhance your quality of life in a relaxed friendly environment.
Chi Kung is excellent for general health, stress relief, mental strength and stillness and energy cultivation
Hermetics is a complete psychic and personal development system
Emotional / Stress Management is based on release techniques which enable you to develop an inner calm, control and minimise outbursts and feel at peace inside yourself. This system is an easy to use tool which is simple to apply and will stay with you for the rest of your life should you choose to use it.
Personal Development courses assist by enhancing your inner awareness, building self-confidence and heightening your emotional intelligence.
Psychic Development short courses are provided to people who want to work on certain aspects of their practice. These courses allow the trainers to mould your practice to your personal needs
Healing Courses are offered to students that have completed the Chi Kung Beginners, intermediate and advanced courses. The methods offered in this course are based on principles derived from Franz Bardons text â??Initiation into Hermeticsâ??
An example of some of the other Courses offered are
�· Martial Chi Kung
�· Internal Kung Fu
�· Moving Meditation
�· Tai Chi
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