Aikido is a unique, non-violent martial art developed by Professor Morihei Ueshiba (1883-1969) that relies on harmony and balance, rather than physical strength, in dealing with conflict. The Aikido Victoria Brunswick Dojo was established in November 2000 by Simon Pearce in order to promote this fascinating art of self-defence in a safe, methodical and supportive way by highly qualified and experienced instructors.
The Brunswick Dojo offers a range of classes to cater for people's level of interest and experience. From short Beginner's Courses to Intermediate and Advanced classes it has produced dozens of accomplished students from all walks of life over the past 9 years, some of whom are now at Black Belt level.
As well as this, the Dojo also specialises in providing Japanese Cultural Demonstrations and Development Programs to schools and organisations around Victoria.
The Dojo prides itself on both its community focus and the sincerity of its members; finding a unique balance between effective yet elegant physical technique and the higher aims of Aikido practice.
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