tonika health is a modern complementary medicine and natural health clinic in Surry Hills, offering
- osteopathy
- acupuncture
- naturopathy
- nutrition
- therapeutic massage
If you are looking for a massage that actually does something (myofascial, deep tissue, sports and remedial as well as dry needling), Daniela is your pick. She likes to get you results, not waste your time with a spa rub.
For even more sustainable results, combine her treatments with those from our osteopath Rosie Hamilton. That way you get the best of both worlds: relief from pain and restrictions as well as realignment and tissue reeducation to create a healthier body for the long term.
You can also book sessions with our amazing acupuncturist, Peter Scarselletti, who has a special interest in chronic and difficult to treat conditions, female and male reproductive health, fertility and pregnancy.
Please use our online booking system.
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