At To the Point Acupuncture and Massage, we use the safe and effective techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine, a system of health care developed over several thousand years and used throughout China and other parts of East Asia. Our treatments are based upon careful diagnosis and thorough consultation, and complement Western health care. We use acupuncture, massage, cupping and moxibustion to achieve the best possible outcome for you. We focus on restoring your body’s natural balance, and can treat a wide range of chronic and acute disorders as well as helping you to maintain a healthy body and resist disease. We also offer acupuncture facial rejuvenation, acupuncture face lifts and scar minimisation therapy.
Our therapists are highly qualified and have obtained both a bachelor of Health science in Traditional Chinese Medicine (UTS) and a Diploma of Health Science in Eastern Massage Therapy (CIT). Our therapists are members of AACMA ( the Australian Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Association). Private health insurance rebates available. Call us now to discover how we can help you with your individual health and wellness needs.
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