Swedish Massage, Sports Massage, Relaxation Massage and Techniques, Indian Head Massage, Scenar Therapy and Reiki.
Strictly NON SEXUAL.
Specialising in relaxation I promote the wellbeing of both mind and body. By easing muscle pain and tension, an overall feeling of calm and positivity is enhanced within the mind.
Sports massage is a deep tissue treatment helping you to develop and grow during a physical training program that will reduce injury and encourage healthy strong muscle development.
Indian Head Massage is performed in a seated position over normal clothing and will relieve tension in shoulders, neck, scalp and face. It stimulates hair growth, reduces migraine length and intensity, 'wakes up' the mind for study or problem solving and leaves you feeling relaxed.
Scenar Therapy is a hand held device that delivers tiny electrical impulses to the body. This can help with pain reduction in injuries, skin disorders, scar reduction and helps repair damaged muscle fibre.
Reiki is a transfer of loving energy that will help unblock on the physical, emotional and mental levels. It generally leaves the recipient calm and at peace straight after a treatment, whilst promoting thoughts which focus their direction within their life, often giving more clarity for future action.
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