Professional, caring and experienced Remedial Massage, Acupuncture and Natural Therapies.
Do you want relief from pain, injury, soreness, stiffness, stress or anxiety? Perhaps you suffer from neck pain, shoulder pain, tennis elbow or sciatica? Do you put up with digestive, blood pressure, hormonal, tiredness, skin or sleep problems? Or do you just want to relax, unwind and let go? Experience rejuvenating health in harmony at Edmonton Natural Health
Our aim is to treat the underlying cause of any disorder. We take time to listen to your concerns and thoroughly assess and identify any specific imbalances in your body, then develop an individual care plan specifically for you.
John combines his excellent skills and passion in a wide range of Natural Health Therapies with 19 years of experience to provide you with the best, unique, personalised treatment. Often integrating different therapies in a unique synergistic combination can provide the better health outcomes than one therapy alone.
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