Our team at All About Health work with busy people that rely on healthy, energetic and comfortable bodies to meet the demands of business, study, family commitments and keeping fit. Our aim is to have you return to work, sport and family life with vibrant health as quickly as possible, and maintain it.
SPORTS MASSAGE; Reduce your risk of sport's injury, increase your strength and stamina. Science has proven the reduction of soft tissue injury results when muscles are regularly maintained with massage.
RELAXATION MASSAGE; You will be transported into a realm of peace, calm and positivity. When you change your conscious state, muscle tension and pain reduces, A state of calm replaces adrenal overwhelm and your body responds to clear resourceful signals from the brain. You become more effective at work and able to enjoy your liesure time even more!
PREGNANCY MASSAGE; one of the most valuable modalities to an expectant mother as the body undergoes enormous physical change. As the centre of gravity changes and ligaments relax to allow for the developing baby, maintenance and relaxation of soft tissue is vital. Nurturing and emotional support for the mother is essential in preparation for your delivery.
MYOFASCIAL RELEASE; This gentle but powerful technique can help unravel deep seated muscular tension caused by injury, stress and poor posture.
TRIGGER POINT THERAPY; By reducing concentrations of lactic acid in the muscle, and increasing blood flow, nerve signals will be more effective. This reduces pain and spasm locally as well as remote sites of referred pain. A very effective tool in the mobilisation of products of accute inflammation, and relaxation of muscle spasm.
CRANIO SACRAL THERAPY; This technique gently mobilises the cranial and facial bones and is the perfect relief for whiplash, migaine and headache sufferers.
AROMATHERAPY; the perfect accompaniment to your massage session, enhancing benefits to the circulation, lymphatic and nervous systems
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