Authentic Chinese acupuncture point massage. Chinese acupuncture point massage is the most excellent techniques to heal tired soft tissue. First of all, our experience masseuse adopt unique fingers pressures method to relax the tensed muscle with essential oil, by squeezing the acupuncture points and the lymphatic drainage, it can promote blood circulation and accelerate the elimination of body toxicant. This remedial therapeutic treatment can really rejuvenate you and recover your exhausted body .
Therapeutic massage
Everyone works. When you exercise make soft tissue injuries, such as lumbar disc. Strain of lumbar muscles, neck muscle strain, back muscle strain. These symptoms by Chinese acupuncture point massage, pain slow, can keep doing for a period of time, curative effect is distinct.You will have a very good experience.Cheers
9:30am till 10:30pm
2155Albany highway Gosnells
Our Prices
30 mins $45
40 mins $50
60 mins $70
90 mins $110
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