Ancient Energy Secrets Revealed - What you are about to learn is a system that enables you to understand and tap into the very fabric of our existence - Universal Life Force Energy
We are an official and licensed Pranic Healing Institute based in Brisbane Qld, offering all the courses and teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui throughout Australia..
We offer courses for people from all walks of life interested in understanding their divine essence and the power they hold within themselves. For professional therapists we offer an internationally certified pranic healer therapist training program.
Free monthly pranic healing clinics, planetary peace meditation evenings, as well as private consultations are also available.
Imagine if you knew and understood the subtle laws of the universe, the subtle laws of energy, the subtle laws of life itself. These mysterious laws have been the yearning of many great minds and Souls searching for the Truth about who we really are, what we are Truly made of and how we are part of the greater Universe.
What you are about to learn is a system that enables you to understand and tap into the very fabric of our existence - universal life force energy. You will learn about how we as Humans can harness this energy for healing, manifestation, financial stability and spiritual growth.
This complex maze of ancient knowledge, esoteric symbology and spiritual inner teachings has been navigated, systemised and validated by a great modern master of energy - Master Choa Kok Sui. It is our great pleasure to share this wealth of knowledge with you.
Healing applications of the techniques
Healing the physical-etheric body. Excellent for first aid.
Relationship healing.
Financial healing.
Healing problematic aspects of one's life such as stress.
Self mastery and being in control of situations.
Pranic healing can help improve: physical ailments, pain, fatigue, stress, immunity, depression, anxiety, grief, addictions, fear.
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