We cover all interior and exterior domestic and commercial projects ranging from the smallest studio unit to large commercial projects. We provide service to insurance companies, body corporate, real estate agents, home builders, commercial builder’s office and shop-fitters
Residential painting - painting of standard homes, units, townhouses to painting of large scale developments industrial painting - painting of large industrial complexes painting of external offices - including high rise office towers painting of office interiors. Painting of corporate spaces maintenance painting programmes tailored specifically to the needs of our clients and their properties. Difficult access projects - such as high rise facades services. Polyurethane onsite spraying - roof spraying - heritage renovations. Lead management
Surface preparation such as:
# Abrasive blasting
# High pressure water cleaning
# Chemical cleaning
Graffiti removal and application of anti-graffiti coating systems. Electrostatic paint finishes, including re-spraying of lift doors, window frames. Roof spraying, wallpaper supply and applications. Paint stripping, protective coatings, decorative paint finishes (hand and spray applied), wall coverings, texture coatings, waterproof membrane coatings, spalling concrete repairs, lead paint management and removal and stabilization, maintenance programs.
Proud member of master Painter Australia, master Builders Australia, DULUX ACREDITED Painter
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