Getting the right loan is not all about the cheapest rate because the lender with the cheapest rate today might have the most expensive tomorrow. There might be ongoing fees and charges to offset the cheap rate. Or other catches, like annual reviews, of which you should be aware and understand.
Its about finding a solution that fits with your needs, wants and goals and sets you up to take advantage of opportunities in the future.
Melbourne East Credit Advisers specialise in complex lending for self-employed borrowers and self-managed super funds (SMSF). We can help with: residential and commercial property investment, construction loans, first home owners (including First Home Owners Grant), low doc loans, no doc finance for business purposes, car and equipment finance, refinancing, debt consolidation, loans for people with previous credit problems.
Our clients are empowered to make informed choices about the biggest financial decisions they will make. Melbourne East Credit Advisers educates its clients in financial literacy, explains financial jargon and provides credit advice on the risks and benefits associated with different loan products and features, to empower its clients to make informed choices when applying for credit.
If you want to apply for a home or commercial property loan, car or business finance, want to set up a self-managed super fund, need credit advice, or just want to ask questions, phone Colette Garnaut on 0400 118 413 it may save you thousands.
Colette Garnaut is a credit representative (Credit Representative Number 405243) of BLSSA Pty Ltd ACN 117 651 760 Australian Credit Licence Number 391237
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