Zelda Sheldon is a professional coach and singer songwriter. With an extensive track record producing songs and music tracks for the exacting television and advertising industries her award-winning songs and music continue to be broadcast worldwide. She works with top singers and musicians across all the pop music genres.
As a coach Zelda uses her vast industry experience and encouraging style and to help singers develop their unique voice for singing and songwriting. Using the world's most powerful coaching tools she gently empowers singers, helping them achieve satisfying breakthroughs in voice and confidence.
Singing clients experience full octave range extension; rich tonal presence; voice flexibility; accurate pitching, groove and rhythm for bringing songs to life, greater breath control and high level performance techniques to impress any audience in any situation - be it live, recording studios, auditions, stage shows.
Suitable for singers aged 6 to 106, across all pop genres and all levels - raw beginner to pro. Ideal for pro singers looking for high level vocal production techniques and increased accuracy for recording projects. Ideal for young singers under 10 who love learning to sing and perform through play and singing their favourite pop songs. Ideal for anyone who wants to explore the wonderful world of singing.
Zelda coaches clients across the globe via Skype and offers face to face coaching in Sydney Australia.
A Few Rave Reviews
Zelda is an awesome singing coach. She has given me tools that I can use anywhere anytime that have helped me expand my range by an octave, given my voice huge presence and power and helped me improve my pitch accuracy. MS age 23 Parramatta
Zelda makes singing lessons lots of fun. I like the way she teaches. She has helped me to understand beat counting to help me come in at the right place in the song, she has showed me how to sing louder without hurting my voice. AM age 8, Neutral B
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