I have been a specialist teacher in Vision Impairment and Orientation & Mobility for over 25 years supporting children from birth onwards. I love working with people and empowering families and children, through developing an understanding of their vision impairment.
The services I can offer include:
Early intervention supports for early childhood
Transition support - home/school/community/workplace
Development of daily living skills and life skills
Orientation & Mobility Training- including cane skills
Advice and support in vision aids & equipment
Technology support in devices including ipad usage
Specialised assessments-learning media (braille, large print, audio)
Family support following diagnosis
Braille teaching/support/tutoring
Staff Training in the workplace for employers & employees
I am an approved Better Start Provider under the Queensland Department of Social Services -
I also offer my services privately to those without Government support - $100 per hour
I provide a mobile service, travelling to your child, parent, adult- wherever they are on that day - child care centre, local shopping centre, home, Grandma's, school (with permission)
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