Keystone is a service of Lutheran Community Care which operates services throughout Queensland in the fields of aged care, disability support, family support, youth support and chaplaincy.
Located in Woodridge on Brisbane's southside, Keystone is a Disability Support Service offering a range of services to people living with a disability. Keystone currently offers programs to help people with disabilities (between the ages of 15 - 65) to live, work and participate in the local community.
Keystone Development is a combination of a day respite program and an educational program. It provides training and support to achieve and maintain skills which will assist people with a disability to live in the community, as well a place where people can come and learn, interact and access a variety of activities.
The Development Program is quality accredited and meets the Disability Services Standards (State) and each member of our support team is trained and qualified.
Clients who attend Keystone are funded to do so by DSQ. For those who don't receive funding, there may be a user-pays option to access the program.
Keystone also offers a HACC program for those at risk of being socially isolated. For eligibility criteria, please contact Keystone on 32091466.
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