After the novelty of retirement wears off and the honeymoon is over, many can be left asking "what's next?".
TOMNET is a not for profit organisation which provides Peer Support for men who have retired, or are thinking about retiring, to assist them through the hidden hardships of this new phase of their life. Through rediscovering fulfilling lives, TOMNET men regain purpose, and the ability to connect, and contribute to the community.
If you would like to read more about the hidden hardships of retirement, read our fact sheets
At TOMNET we create networks of older men (50+) who genuinely care about the welfare of each other and find a sense of belonging.
We provide opportunities for older men to connect with each other and to also engage with the community through volunteer activities such as:
� Home visiting program for isolated and vulnerable older men
� Residential Aged Care Visiting teams
� Mentoring for disadvantaged youth
� Telephone support service for isolated members
� Barbecue service
Check out our website for more details or contact us to discuss how you can get involved (07) 4638 9080
TOMNET was founded in Toowoomba in 2001 and there are a number of TOMNET groups across Australia. For group locations, visit our website
If you would like to set up a TOMNET group in your community, we can help! We have a step-by-step guide and can support you with advice.
Every day in Australia, one man over the age of 65 commits suicide (Griffith University, Australian Institute for Suicide Research Prevention, 2012). TOMNET has been at the forefront of stemming these rates in regional communities and rural areas.
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