Are you seeking to improve your Speaking and Leadership skills? Do you get nervous speaking in front of people? Then Toastmasters is for you.
Toastmasters is a not for profit training organisation that focuses on communication and leadership development. Toastmasters will give you the skills and confidence you need to effectively express yourself in any situation. By learning to effectively formulate and convey your ideas, you open a world of possibilities. You will be more persuasive and confident whether speaking with your colleagues, your community or your family.
NorandaToastmasters Club would like to invite you to come along... to enjoy the company of others and engage in conversation. We are of various ages and backgrounds. We have various occupations but we are all there to improve our communication and leadership skills and have fun.
Noranda Toastmasters meet every Wednesday fortnight at the Noranda Community Family Centre on Garson Court (which is off Benara Road, next to the Noranda Tennis courts).
Arrive 6:45pm for 7:00pm start until 8.30pm
Visitors are very welcome and we are always looking for new members.
Please come visit us and open up a world of opportunity.
To find out more and see our club news visit
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