We have an extensive range of plants for your home and garden. Trees, shrubs, climbers, alpines and bedding plants are just a few of the items that we sell as well as a selection of house plants, seeds and seasonal bulbs that can be delivered locally*. There�??�?�¢??s also a selection of �??�?�¢??Bric a Brac�??�?�¢?? and giftware and an assortment of garden accessories and products available. Organic veggies, fresh eggs and more. You will find an array of terracotta and other assorted pots and planters as well as a variety of garden tools, metal garden art, wood burners, pond accessories,, live stock, poultry and so much more. If you can�??�?�¢??t find what you need an order service to source from a third party is available **. We will do our very best to get the products that you require. A large selection of garden sundries are stocked for all your gardening needs
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