Shakil is a fully qualified Obstetrician & Obstetric Ultrasound Specialist working in South Western Sydney based at Liverpool. He has admitting rights to both Liverpool Public & Sydney South West Private Hospitals.
-Pregnancy Care
Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman's life. Every pregnancy comes with its own unique experiences & sometimes sudden surprises. For most women it is a smooth sailing but for others it can be more challenging. Shakil believes that his role is to facilitate the normal processes during pregnancy & at birth, while at the same time identifying potential issues so that any detour from normality can be identified & addressed early on so that the best outcome can be achieved in such circumstances. He provides women with the pros & cons of different choices based on current evidence to help them make their own informed choices.
-Pregnancy Ultrasound
Shakil is trained & certified for the entire range of ultrasound in pregnancy. He has been working in a tertiary hospital fetal medicine unit for more than 4 years which means he is able to do his own first trimester scan including down syndrome screening, morphology ultrasound at 18-20 weeks, fetal Echocardiography, growth ultrasound & ultrasound to assess the placenta & cervix. His training in fetal medicine allows him to provide comprehensive counselling regarding any unexpected ultrasound findings in pregnancy.
Shakil is qualified as both an obstetrician & gynaecologist from the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. Until 2010 he practiced both obstetrics & gynaecology. From 2011 onward he has been only looking after women in pregnancy as part of his interest in maternal-fetal medicine & high risk pregnancy. He does not offer any gynaecological services from his rooms but is capable to deal with known or unexpected gynaecological problems which may arise during pregnancy or at the time of delivery.
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