Professional eye care and eyewear advice from experienced optometrists and qualified optical dispensers, 6 days a week
Approved assessment centre for Laser Sight Centres, Australia
Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration Screening
Digital Retinal Photography: This has been an inclusive, standard part of our consultations since 2002.
*Retinal imaging gives a much larger, more detailed picture compared with previous techniques, which means our optometrists can detect any changes sooner.
*It allows us to keep a copy of the image on file, providing a more accurate reference point than notes or diagrams
Referral Program - Refer a friend for an eye test, have them mention your name and we will thank you with a $25 gift voucher
Domiciliary visits - Kabara and Carramar Nursing Homes & OzCare
Screening and reports for commercial drivers, marine and aviation licenses
OCT (Ocular Coherence Tomography) Provide a scan of the structure of the retina in different areas, including:
*The nerve head, where changes occur with glaucoma. It allows us to measure any thickness changes in the nerve fibre layer in microns.
*The macula, identifying any changes which might indicate risk for macula degeneration. It also helps discriminate between the dry and wet forms of the disease.
Slit Lamp Biomicroscopy - including real time video analysis of tear film for dry eye and contact lens complications.
Medmont E300 Corneal Topography - for simple and complex contact lens fitting for disposables, astigmatism, multifocal, keratoconus and orthokeratology
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