At Rumba Studio we understand that getting in shape is not just a physical process and while many 'experts' are all about dumbbells and carbs, we realize that changing a body is as much about psychology and emotions as is is about physiology.
At Rumba Studio we have no fashion shows, no contracts, no pressure and plenty of fun.
We also understand that many people don't love to exercise or exist on a diet of carrots, lettuce and yak milk. Our goal is to make the process of getting into shape a realistic, productive, rewarding and enjoyable one.
Our priority is to help you create life-long change; not to get in shape for an event. A better body forever is what we're all about.
Our typical client is someone who knows what they should be doing but has trouble doing it consistently.
Most of our clients use a Trainer for education, direction, organization, structure, accountability and motivation.
At Rumba Studio we teach that creating life-long physical change is about managing four key areas; Diet, Lifestyle, Psychology and Exercise.... and we get great results!
Some of our clients just want to lose a few kilos, some want to make the Olympic team, but most just want to be fitter, trimmer, healthier and lighter.
Our clients range in age from 15 to 85... but we're looking for 95 year-old.
Personal Training for 1 to 3 people.
A comprehensive health, lifestyle and physical evaluation.
Fat loss, muscle weight gain, body shaping, fitness and strength.
Core stability training.
30, 60 and 90 minute training sessions
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