Nestled amongst the picturesque settings of Rivers of Yarrambat, training at the welcoming Sentience Personal Training will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!
The services we offer you include:
1 on1, doubles and group personal training, boot camp, super sculpt and celebrity bodies, super circuit, boxing circuit, fighting fit, fit new mums, living longer living stronger, pilates and yoga.
The Sentience Personal Training philosophy brings together all areas of wellness. Be amazed as you transform your life where weight loss and a healthy lifestyle become an effortless way of being.
We teach you the truth about weight loss, healthy eating and the best type of exercise to give you lasting results. We are an anti-dieting, anti-calorie counting studio, where programs are purpose designed with your desired results in mind and are continuously monitored to ensure you succeed.
We focus on achieving lifelong results, well being and active lifestyles.
We guarantee that you will get results.
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