THOROUGHBRED FIX is a new and most effective treatment for many skin and coat problems that affect horses and dogs. Its a non toxic, non irritating wash and cream with powerful anti-fungal and anti-bacterial ingredients.
Thoroughbred FIX has been extensively tested by a market with the highest standards - the racing industry. After three years of perfecting the level of each ingredients to come up with the optimal blend required for both canine and equine, we can now offer you a product that doesn't just SAY it works - it REALLY WORKS!
Thoroughbred Fix doesn't contain pesticides! Most products on the market contain permethrin and diethyltoluamide and can cause instant blistering of the skin or can have bad long term side affects if used repeatedly. You can safely use Thoroughbred FIX as often as you need.
Due to the natural ingredients found in our products, they can be used on puppies, foals, lactating and pregnant animals without fear of a toxin overdose or any other side affects to the animal.
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