Professional Wedding photographer from $600
Professional Wedding videographer from $700
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Amazing effort to bring our prices down to help the squeeze.
Top quality services and products, choose our basic packages for an extremely affordable option to cover your wedding or choose one of our more luxurious options still at amazingly low prices, not to be missed...
Please call Eduardo on 0425340216 for a quick quote.
Video packages start from $800, this includes a standard coverage time of 3 and a half hours, a 15 minute edited version of the day to show family and friends, and an approximately 60 minute long DVD covering the full day for future remembrance. Remember, it's easy to upgrade this package, if you feel that 3 hours and a half is not enough, or you want a second videographer.
Photograph packages start at $600, for this price you will receive 40 edited high quality photographs covering the preparation of the bride and the ceremony in a beautiful crafted box. This consists of 6x4 inch photographs with enlargement options. As a present you wil also receive two 6x8 photograph enlargements of our choice for free. Remember this is only the budget option, we also offer professional album assembly, any size enlargements, painted looking canvases, additional photographers and any number of prints and reprints.
Do not forget to visit us on our website at
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