Believe it not, when my daughter was born I didn't get any images of her as a newborn - that I liked anyway. Sure I got some quick happy snaps, mostly on my phone, but nothing that I wanted to hang on my wall. At the time, being a little bit savvy with a camera I thought, oh I'll just do that myself - of course!
But truth be told - I was exhausted and overwhelmed!
Having a child and going through a mountain of emotional and physical changes meant I really just couldn't be bothered taking photos of her!
And that's now one of my biggest regrets.
Thankfully things were a bit different second time round and I managed to get some not - too - bad - if - I - say - so-myself images of myself when I was pregnant and some gorgeous newborn images of my son; but probably still not enough in my books!
I look at the images I create for mums and their families, I oooh over the tiny features of their babies, and smile at the coos and giggles of their older children, and I sit there wishing I had that for my own. That's what I want to create for every parent - images to hang on their walls, sit on their coffee tables, to make them smile and remember all the new, exhausting, crazy and beautiful moments that being a family is all about.
I'd love the opportunity to capture those images for you and generally work in the Berwick area or around South Eastern Melbourne.
​ x Caroline
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