Physioxp provides skilled Physiotherapy, Accredited Exercise Physiology, Clinical Pilates & Reformer Pilates group classes.
PhysioXp Physiotherapy services offer a comprehensive initial assessment to determine the cause of your symptoms. Skilled manual therapy and exercise rehabilitation form the basis of our approach. Our gym and Pilates studio are utilised in conjunction with other modalities and manual Physiotherapy to provide optimal management of your condition.
All Physiotherapy services are one to one with generous consultation times and can be utilised for a variety of musculoskeletal conditions and injuries as well as pre and post surgery.
Pilates Reformer classes at PhysioXp provide an intimate studio feel with a ratio of one instructor to three participants. Our Pilates practitioners are qualified Physiotherapists who hold Pilates certification in both Clinical Pilates through Dance Medicine Australia (DMA) and in traditional Pilates group work through Studio Pilates International.
One to one Clinical Pilates is available and recommended for those who require rehabilitation with expert clinical guidance.
If you are searching for a training method that is intense yet safe and rewarding then look no further than PhysioXp Pilates.
Exercise Physiology services are provided by an Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Accredited Exercise Physiologist. Exercise Physiology caters for athletes from Sports Science and performance to providing sound exercise advice and guidance for those at risk or with chronic conditions such as Diabetes, Obesity, Depression and Hypertension.
A fully equipped gym and testing equipment enables us to provide the highest standard in Exercise Physiology whilst monitoring client performance and safety. Strong evidence exists for exercise management in most conditions and with the guidance of an ESSA Accredited Exercise Physiologist you are in good hands.
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