The preschool is a non-profit community based service operating during school terms since 1976. We are committed to a child centred approach to learning. Our program is tailored to respect & respond to the individuality of each child, whilst also encouraging cooperation & respect for others. Play is at the core of our program based on the Early Years Learning Framework.
The preschool provides a supportive environment for children; is established & has well resourced facilities; welcomes family participation and strives to build strong partnerships between the child, family, educators & community. We have a large, natural playground with a high emphasis on sustainability including a vege patch, herb garden, orchard, worm farm, composting, recycling, reducing & reusing. The children are actively involved in all areas of this.
Our staff team are trained, experienced, committed educators whose wealth of knowledge & experience enable them to provide a warm, caring & stimulating environment for children to learn in, focusing on positive interactions, inclusion & respect.
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